Well our new little one was moved into the NICU the morning after he was born and was eventually diagnosed with Hirschsprung's Disease days later. The good news is that it is fixable, the bad news is that the poor little guy has to stay in the hospital for another few weeks. He is having surgery on July 29th to fix his intestines so that they work the way they are supposed to work. He should recover just fine and have no lasting side effects. He is a trooper and is described by his nurses as strong, good-natured, calm, and sweet (he really is just like Miles!). He is a lot bigger than the other babies in the NICU and doesn't look like he belongs there because he looks incredibly healthy. He has great nurses, doctors, and surgeons...we just can't wait to have him at home where he belongs! He has lots of tubes in and on him so he has earned the nickname "Tubes"!
He looks good!! so does that supa sweet tshirt!! Hooray for milk and Hooray for TUBES!!
John and Mandy
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