Saturday, August 20, 2011

Summer Part 3- August Coming SOON!

I promise.

Summer Part Two- July





We went to a great wedding and they had a woman named Silvi who would write a poem about anything and anybody, as long as you gave her just a bit of information. We told her their names and only said that they love the solar system. This was her poem (that she typed in about 30 seconds).

Our boys

Sammy's moon

The Naked Chef

Summer Part 1- June...

Miles' End of the Year Party

Some of our favorite people...the Salazars came to see us.


Saturday, August 6, 2011


Last month...

After battling constant ear infections since January, the big boy got tubes and his adenoids out. Yuck.

Santa Cruz!

Made a quick stop in Santa Cruz on the way to and from Shasta. We got to meet Baby Jake...cute, sweet, oh...I couldn't stop looking at him! Sammy was in love with him as well, gave him lots of kisses. And of course, got to spend time with beautiful Morgan as well.

The Boardwalk...


Ms. Morgan...

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Our Very Own Kewpie Doll...


Saw this on the way to the marina the morning of Sam's birthday...


Sam is 3! The lucky guy celebrated on the houseboat! Grandpa Charley and Grandma Ellen came to celebrate for the day as well. They brought an amazing cake...

Captain for the Day...

 a little tired and took a nap on a mat (that he stole from Aunt Audrey).

Grandpa Charley and Grandma Ellen

Carrot Cake!


Shasta, Beautiful Shasta

Our trip to Shasta was amazing...busy days, sleeping under the stars, spending time with family we wish we saw more often! The end of the trip came too soon!

Shasta and its beauty...

The week in pictures...

Dance Party on the Deck with Crazy Uncle/Daddy