Thursday, July 31, 2008

Sam's Surgery

Sam had surgery on Tuesday and everything went great. The surgeons took out a part of his intestine and put the "good" parts back together. He has been on pain meds and we are hoping he will need less of them today. We want him to be awake and alert and we want to hold him. It really is no fun looking at him when he is so sedated. But, today will be a good day! He should be able to eat...that will make him very happy. Since he was born, his brother has been sending him pictures to put on his NICU bed!


KC and Jer said...

JennTwen! I am so sad you guys are going through all this. Please know we are thinking of you all. Baby Sam looks just beautiful! And it sounds like you are holding up okay.
Much Love,

KC and Jer said...

Oh! And forgot to say, the earmuffs picture is hilarious! I wish we had those for Jack Henry with all the construction we do around here. Hang in there.

Jena said...

Poor little guy. I hope he and you guys recover from all of this quickly! He looks so cute!!! Miles sounds like he is the best brother!