Special, yes. Trouble, sometimes. Sweet, so much so. Do I feel bad for him? Yes. The last few days reminded me that he will probably struggle with certain things for a while. As "normal" as he is, there is always this "thing" that makes us worry, this "thing" that we are always thinking about. However, he not only is surrounded by lots of people who care for him enormously, but he has these incredible doctors! He has a doctor in Cincinnati that answers our emails within 20 minutes. He has an absolutely amazing pediatrician who not only loves him, but brings him treats in the hospital and brags about him to the other nurses on the pediatric floor. Dr. Levitt and Dr. Nishihara, we owe so much to you. Really, we do. This past week, Sam went through a few things. I won't describe it on here, because it is kind of yucky. But all in all and far as things go now, he should be fine. His doctors will make sure of it. And we will too.

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