Sunday, March 13, 2011

Us Lately

The last month has been a busy one...Bryce was traveling for work, I was busy with work, there were ear infections, sinus infections, and pink eye (ewww). But, good weather has come and we are definitely welcoming the spring weather with open arms. Here are some recent snapshots of our boys...

This boy is reading and writing. Enrolled for kindergarten next, so, so proud of him...

Sam has a "new" thing. Apparently, he doesn't have legs anymore, only fins. He won't wear pj pants because, in own words, "no pants, it hurts my fins."

Dr. Miles

Mr. Playdough...this kid is in love with his playdough.

Love these sweet, beautiful, contrary, mess-creating, loving, cute, arguing, pesty, GORGEOUS little creatures...

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