Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Tank

Yes- he now climbs the stairs. He went to his pediatrician this week. He weighs about 19 pounds and his doctor was impressed with him. He says "sh" when he looks at the fish, the "f" sound when he looks at the fan, and the "t" sound when he looks at the trees outside our window. He can also say ma-ma and da-da to Bryce and I. His doctor always takes a picture of him on his cell phone and sends it to Nurse Shae, a friend of his and my nurse after I had Sam, who looked at him when he was less than 24 hours old and knew something was wrong. This is actually pretty incredible because lots of babies with Hirschsprung's Disease are actually sent home from the hospital with no diagnosis and they end up getting very sick. We are very thankful for her. We are hoping we get to see her at the NICU reunion. :)

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